Finally the end of a very creative phase is here, only to
begin anew as another challenging phase of patience, love and bonding. The
third trimester is full of emotional upheavals. All anxiety of whether we will
be good parents? will the child be alright? Will the labor progress well? Will
I bond with the newborn? Hope the water doesn’t break in a public place like
shown in films! All this and more thoughts begin to cloud your mind. Even the
most confident girl begins to waver in this phase. Why so? Why this excessive
emotional phase? It’s your body preparing you for motherhood, a new surge of
hormones, the final batch so to say is delivered into your systems, this should
prepare your body for actual labor, prepare for the blood loss that follows and
also makes provisions for your little one, in form of milk in your breasts.
Be very mindful during your entire pregnancy and don’t get
swayed often by emotions, understand it’s the handiwork of hormones and learn
to tide over them. It’s not for nothing that mothers and grandmothers advice
you to keep smiling and be happy during pregnancy. It’s more like happiness
should be your dominant state of mind, though there will be episodes of
weepiness, excessive anxiety and depression. Tide over them quickly.
Now the unexpected tips for this trimester; firstly increase your fluid intake, keep adding more water, coconut water, fruits to your diet. Go easy on your fatty food intake towards the final month, and finally wean off food for the last few days and keep yourself well hydrated and sated, do not overeat. Why so? If you are going to eat more, your body is compelled to focus on digestion, rather than focusing on easing your labor, you certainly don’t want that! Also your body weight by now has gained the last 2-3kgs to hit the targeted mark from the first trimester.
Now the unexpected tips for this trimester; firstly increase your fluid intake, keep adding more water, coconut water, fruits to your diet. Go easy on your fatty food intake towards the final month, and finally wean off food for the last few days and keep yourself well hydrated and sated, do not overeat. Why so? If you are going to eat more, your body is compelled to focus on digestion, rather than focusing on easing your labor, you certainly don’t want that! Also your body weight by now has gained the last 2-3kgs to hit the targeted mark from the first trimester.
Secondly keep walking, keep exercising. Don’t let your body
shape or heaviness keep you from moving around, unless advised against by the
doctor. You need all the muscle strength and agility to help you through labor.
Now that brings us to a very crucial question, natural labor vs C-section. Most
girls in urban and semi-urban places now a day prefer undergoing a c-section
even in cases when it’s not needed. Unless there are some very strong reasons
given by the doctor stating the need of c-section, go ahead and deliver
naturally. Why? Well whatever does not kill makes you stronger! Keep in mind
that giving birth naturally is well natural! Nature knows what she is expecting
out of you! You are a part of nature aren’t you? If you have prepared your body
in advance to give birth naturally, it would be easier than thought. Do not let
film scenes cloud your judgment. These days hospitals offer you a pre-delivery
labor room orientation. Ask your doctor, your hospital for a round of the labor
room, and ask questions regarding what might happen that day, begin revising it
mentally with positive thoughts about easy labor and healthy baby n you! It
helps! Fear breeds from unfamiliarity, the unknown, once you know the staff in
your labor room, the overall feel and look of the place, the bed and operating
table, a sample of your hospital room, it becomes easier to train the mind to
focus on the known objects and people. Also importantly it’s the birthright of
your child to get the very important immunity bacteria from the vaginal canal
and gradually be admitted in this world, as is the case with natural delivery.
In case there is a last minute decision to have a c-section, do not consider
this as a failure on your part or in your efforts, it’s just how it is meant to
be. Look at the positives of an urgent c-section too! Your baby and you are
safe, in case of a c-section, you do not face labor pain. Of course the pain
that follows once the anesthesia wears off is going to be there, but at least
you will be able to bear it better. Either case, target getting up the very
next day of your delivery, better still the same evening, as much as it pains
or you feel disoriented, it’s very important to gain control over your body,
pain as early as possible. Because now you have the biggest responsibility of
your life, your child! Why does all this have to be told in the third
trimester? Forewarned is forearmed! It’s better to train your mind regarding
all this in the final trimester, so that there is lesser rude surprise post
child-delivery and you can focus on enjoying the blissful moments of
motherhood. So for the third trimester, read about actual labor, brush up your
GK about birthing techniques, explore them if you wish to, consult your doctor
about your choices and if possible have a birth plan in place. Birth plan is a
mutually decided piece of informal agreement between your doctor and you
regarding the preference of natural birth and the kind of medications you
should be administered during delivery.
Read more about birth plans if you are interested.
Thirdly, start packing your hospital bag in the last month.
Well, if I tell you, you have a trip to a transformative planet far far way…what
will you be doing 1 month before your trip? Of course planning what you’ll
wear, check your camera if it is working, carry matching pairs of shoes and of
course not to forget your favorite lip gloss! If for any trip you plan as much,
should you not pack for a trip of a lifetime where you go as a couple and
return home a family? Start asking around friends and family if they have recently
had babies, welcome hand me downs, the gently used clothes and purchase baby
wraps and blankets. Hand me downs are good because they are softer on the baby,
and the baby needs a lot of clothes in the first few months and babies outgrow
their clothes very soon. Than buying all new ones, and keeping them piling
around the house, it’s better to circulate clothes between well meaning friends
and relatives.
Plan what you should pack in your hospital bag. Watch out
for a detailed post on this one next!
Begin reorganizing
your closets, buy an extra closet (small one) to accommodate excess clothes,
toys etc. During the first three months you will have very little time, energy
and enthusiasm to do anything around your home. Plan likewise and get the
furniture rearranged, to accommodate extra set of parents, or relatives coming
over and generally more suit your comfort in the days to come. Do not try
pushing pulling any piece of furniture yourself, ask your spouse to do it.
If possible start sleeping on the left side so that your
belly rests properly and you have no problem breathing. After the belly grows,
it’s very difficult to sleep in your favorite sleeping positions which might
range from curling up, to sleeping belly down. Also in order to ensure proper
oxygen supply and to aid digestion during the final trimester, it’s advisable
to lie on the left side of your body, so the lung cavity opens up better and
there is no pressure on the heart or digestive system. As the baby grows
within, the digestive track and other abdominal parts are cramped and
pressurized. When you lie on your left side the pressure is temporarily eased.
Like I have mentioned in one of my earlier blog posts, start
talking to your unborn child. It will be very useful! Read more about it here.
Lastly spend as much time you can with your spouse, discuss
your fears, your joys, your dreams and aspirations. Prepare for the roles of
parenthood, prepare for the changes in your lives as a couple. Assure each
other of your unstinting support and be there at each step of this journey
together. If you get your spouse to read and share the material regarding
pregnancy, the birthing plan, the rituals if any involved, after delivery, even
what you plan to post on social media, the pictures, the messages, discuss it
all! Even the friends and family from either side who has to be informed about
this news first etc! Your spouse literally takes over from you the charge of
your wellbeing, your spouse is your moving self now on for at least the first
few days. So trust him with your mobile phone, e-mail, social media and of
course a host of other simple tasks around the house. All this will definitely
bind you stronger to each other! Trust me go out on dates, get ready and go out
to peaceful romantic places as often as you can! Some even have babymoons! Your
last holiday together as a couple! Before you begin travelling with your baby!
All this will serve as a beautiful memory when days post delivery mean you are
confined to home for months on end. And romantic thoughts seem to have
abandoned you altogether and patience is all used up for the baby and only
yelling at the partner remains! All this won’t happen if you are prepared in
advance and totally focused on enjoying parenthood positively! J
Congratulations for completing term! Best wishes for having
a healthy happy baby! :)
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